
Friday 11 November 2016


Name:Jamaine Date:10 November 2016

Reading Task Card 33
How does the story hook you in at the beginning? Interesting. Make a list of words and phrases that you feel are effective in making you want to read on.

Reading Task Card 24
Write a description of the main character: their looks, the way they dress, the way they talk and their personality? They talk nice and feel great they wear live jackets

Reading Task Card 48
Who else should read this book? Why? To learn
Who shouldn't read this book? Why? The people who are bad.

Friday 4 November 2016

Making a cloud

Jamaine 4 November 2016

1. Safety glasses-protect our eyes.

2. Wear a lab coat-protect your body/clothes.

3. Lab behaviour-appropriate behaviour to keep sale.

4. Use proper equipment ( ask if you have never used before.

5. Always clean up your mess.

-rubbing alcohol
-bottle (plastic) -with lid


1. pour a small amount of rubbing
Alcohol into the bottle.
2. Light a match.
3. hold your bottle under the match while squeezing
4.blow out your match so it produces smoke, and release the bottle
So the smoke is sucked into the bottle.
5.Immediately close the bottle tiet with the lid.
6.Squeeze bottle as hard as possible and release-
The bottle should fill with a cloud.


1.What does the rubbing alcohol do? Rubbing alcohol refers to either isopropyl alcohol propan-2-ol or ethanol based liquids, or the comparable British Pharmacopoeia defined surgical spirit, with isopropyl alcohol products being the most widely available. They are liquids used primarily as a topical antiseptic.

2.What happens when the air in the bottle mixes with smoke? E.g. smoke released from factory chimneys if directed towards a water body or container, will it dissipate or curb pollution?  Has there been any experiments done so far?

3.What does squeezing the bottle do to the air?